Sep 21-23, 2015 Nara Women's University


Coordination chemistry from a view point of solution ~ Essential roles of solution in metal complex solution


Akira Odani, Kanazawa University
Makoto Dadokoro, Tokyo University of Science
Akiharu Satake, Tokyo University of Science

Program (G201:シンポジウム S6会場)


開会の辞:小谷 明 (金沢大医薬保)


第1部 <非共有結合的相互作用に基づいた錯体科学> 
座長 佐竹 彰治(東京理大理)
(S6-01) 16:45-17:05(発表15分 質疑応答5分)

(東京理大理)田所 誠


座長 田所 誠  (東京理大理)
(S6-02) 17:05-17:25(発表15分 質疑応答5分)

(東京理大理)佐竹 彰治

(S6-03) 17:25-17:50(発表20分 質疑応答5分)

(名城大理工)藤田 典史


17:50-17:55 コメンテーターによる第一部の講評


17:55-18:05 PC接続

第2部 <生体・自然界に備わる錯体の特性>

座長 小谷 明(金沢大医薬保)
(S6-04) 18:05-18:30(発表20分 質疑応答5分)
(名古屋大情報)吉田 久美


座長 立屋敷 哲(女子栄養大)
(S6-05) 18:30-18:55(発表20分 質疑応答5分) 
(大阪大理)舩橋 靖博

(S6-06) 18:55-19:15(発表15分 質疑応答5分) 
(金沢大医薬保)小谷 明

19:15-19:20 コメンテーターによる第二部の講評

19:20-19:25 閉会の辞 佐竹 彰治(東京理大)


Solvent has roles, not only to dissolve solutes, but also to construct complicated complexes including solvent molecules by its coordination and weak interactions with metal complexes. In supramolecular and biological systems, solvent affects their dynamic behaviors essentially. However, such a topic is not presented as a main issue at oral and poster presentations, or such topics are dispersed in several sessions usually. In this evening symposium, topics concerned with metal complexes closely related with solution and solvent are collected in one room. Another purpose of this symposium is to supply introductory lectures of solution chemistry for most of student members participating in this symposium, and therefore, lectures and discussions will be performed mainly in Japanese language. Senior commentators who are experts in a field of solution chemistry are invited to this symposium, and they will ignite discussion.

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Organaizing Committee
Symposium Chair: Tomoaki Tanase
General Secretary: Takashi Kajiwara, Takayuki Nakajima
Phone: +81-742-20-3399, +81-742-20-3847   FAX: +81-742-20-3847 